
Istanbul Turkey: TATIC, African Peace and Security Union, seal memorandum of understanding



Memorandum of understanding between the Turkey-African Trade and Investment Council (TATIC) and the African Peace and Security Union (APSU). Recently signed in Istanbul, Turkey, the document was initiated by Muhammed Ali CANKATAR, President of TATIC Turkey and Roll Stephane NGOMAT, President of APSU.
Signed on July 6, 2023, the memorandum of understanding, concluded in a spirit of peace, friendship and mutual cooperation, aims to promote trade, security, the development of free zones, mining, carbon credit , tree planting, foreign direct investment and all related requirements. According to the agreement, APSU will provide all assistance to TATIC in all development activities in the African States space by facilitating and promoting activities in all projects related to Agenda 2063, Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), and the implementation of free trade agreements.
The signed agreement also commits APSU, through an advisory opinion, to advocate for the involvement of TATIC in development activities, humanitarian affairs and assistance in African countries.
“This agreement will help TATIC and its subsidiaries establish a strong commercial presence in Africa, covering the areas of interest of investment, trade, infrastructure development and security,” says Roll Stéphane NGOMAT .
Muhammed Ali CANKATAR indicates for his part that TATIC is engaged in the provision of investment services, infrastructure development, technology and logistics through a public-private partnership with African states.Africa has a total area of ​​30.37 million km2 and an estimated total population of around 1.3 billion. African states are committed to developing a single internal market through a system of standardized laws that apply in all African states in these areas, and only in those where states have agreed to act with one voice. . The policies aim to ensure the free movement of people, goods, services and capital within the internal market and to enact laws in the areas of justice and home affairs.
Brief overview of APSU and TATIC
The African Peace and Security Union, a specialized structure working in the 54 countries located on the African continent. APSU is guided by its vision to “support policies and programs that promote peace, security and stability in Africa, foster the development of the continent and forge partnerships between governments and all segments of society, in particularly the private sector and professional groups.
TATIC is a platform for business networking and collaborations leading to increased trade and investment volumes for countries and businesses.


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