
International Youth Day: Otunba Gbenga Daniel commends the efforts of youth-led organisations






As Nigeria joins the rest of the world to celebrate International Youth Day, it is essential to recognise the immense potential and contribution of our youth to nation-building. His Excellency,  Otunba Gbenga Daniel believes that the youth population in Nigeria is the country’s greatest asset, and if properly harnessed, could transform the nation’s economic, social, and political landscape.

Despite the numerous challenges Nigerian youth face today, from unemployment to insecurity, drug abuse, and other social vices, they have continued to display remarkable resilience and courage. From entrepreneurship to innovation, technology, entertainment, and sports, Nigerian youths have proven time and again that they are capable of achieving great things and making valuable contributions to their communities and the country at large.

As we celebrate International Youth Day, it is crucial for the government, private sector, and civil society organisations to prioritise investments in youth development and empowerment. This includes providing quality education and skills training, creating jobs, supporting entrepreneurship, and promoting social inclusion. By creating an enabling environment, we can enable our youth to reach their full potential and thrive.

Otunba  Gbenga Daniel commends the efforts of youth-led organisations, civil society groups, and individuals working tirelessly to promote youth development and empowerment in Nigeria. He calls on all Nigerians to join hands in supporting our youth, creating opportunities and platforms for them to excel and contribute to nation-building.

He said, “The future of Nigeria is in the hands of our youth, and we must do all that is necessary to support and invest in them for a better tomorrow. Let us celebrate and honour our youth on this International Youth Day and commit to working together towards a more prosperous and inclusive Nigeria for all.”

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