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I just Got My Passport Renewed- By Foluso Phillips  



I just got my passport renewed. So, what is the big deal you might ask? Well, I did it in what I regard as record time, by following the system. That is the big deal.

It all started with my desperate need to renew my passport very quickly because of my frequent trips and inability to leave my passport invalid for any period. So, I thought I will need to get some help to make this happen. I went straight to the very top of the passport issuing system, the Honourable Minister of the Interior, Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola and was about to tell him my desperate story, when he said “Foluso, please just follow the system, go online and apply and if it is not working for you, then get back to me and we will find out why.” Obviously, I felt a bit miffed that he was not ready to help, then he added, “I will advise that you choose Shagamu as your passport office of choice, because you might be able to get a good date for an appointment”. At this stage, I knew he was not ready to help.

Did I have a choice? Of course not, I had just spoken to Mr Passport himself. Follow the system he had said, so I did and what a surprise!!

First, I thought to test the portal so I could brace myself for what I perceived was going to be a major data entry battle, but lo and behold, what started as a trial became a reality. I could not stop. Moving from one entry to another on my phone, I completed this form very easily…name, address, old passport number, National Identity Number, etc and before I knew it, I was asked to select a date from the calendar for my appointment in Shagamu (for finger printing and photograph) as advised. Guess what, the very next day was available. I booked it and the payment option showed up and with my card out, I paid in literally seconds and out came my payment receipt, appointment slip, confirmation of data entered etc and I was done. I could not believe it. I was compelled to call the Honourable Minister to say, “It worked”. I could hear his unspoken response “Of course it worked” and shared my delight that I had an appointment the next day in Shagamu for 12 noon.

I got to Shagamu at 11:45 am, braced and ready for hassle, but was pleasantly surprised to find that the sleepy town of Shagamu at that time in the morning was what I also found at the passport Office. It was quiet and orderly. There was a process. I was received along with others who had also just arrived. My time for appointment was confirmed, documents checked for completeness (old passport, appointment slip, 2 passport photographs and NIN print out as instructed on the portal). “Follow me sir” and I went into another section and within 20 minutes of sitting down was invited to take my fingerprints and photograph. A few minutes after that, I was given a slip to pick up my passport on Tuesday “next week”. This was on Thursday, and I was asked to come back 5 days later. I had to reconfirm the exact Tuesday and was reassured it was not an error – yes next Tuesday. Good people, I got my passport today – the Tuesday as promised.

Let’s analyse this. I must admit I got some help – my grey hair and grey beard gave me “old age privilege”, which fast tracked my data capture along with a priest and his elderly wife. You know that it is a Yoruba thing, to step aside for “agbalagbas” (older people). Apart from that, I just followed the system. I was assured that only the number of people to be processed each day are invited and the collection date never fails. The elderly Priest was just leaving with his passport when I got there. Apparently if you are over 70, you do not have to collect your passport personally (I am still working on that 70 part).

I must give kudos to the Minister of the Interior and his team, the IT guys who structured this efficient digitisation process and the Immigration crew at the passport office, who displayed such sense of service and help to people around. It was not rowdy in the least, and you have no business coming there if you have not got an appointment slip because the system will not just let you in. The beauty of this rapid digitisation that is going on in different parts of our government and civil service is that people cannot buck the system. You will be wasting your money paying anyone to “help” you in the passport office to fast track your passport because the system cannot be rushed beyond its digital commitment. For those who claim they are helping, they are only looking into what the system says it’s going to do and making you pay for that information – they do not make it any faster. If they do, the system screams and highlights these exceptions, which somebody had better be ready to explain.

My good people, honestly, trust the system, certainly at the passport office. Whilst, sharing my Shagamu experience with the boys at the club on Friday, another colleague confirmed that he got his passport from the Abeokuta Passport Office within two days of submission!! I guess the weekend interfered with my timing.

However, Lagos is a different issue. Its overcrowded, pushed beyond its capacity and frustrating at the best of times. Maybe, Lagos should have about three centres, just to bring a bit of sanity and even appreciation of the efforts of the Passport processing office. If you want to get your passport quickly, try Shagamu or Abeokuta for a start. I believe there are many other centres around the country. I am told the printing is done at certain regional points. Passports are printed in each hub on the same day every week for each collection centre. This makes weekly deliveries and commitments certain.

Honourable Minister Aregbesola, thank you for doing a great job and showing that we can sort ourselves out if we focus on a process that stops people from bucking the system. Of course, we will have rogue elements, but certainly not as a norm. Well done.
Good people, go get your passport if you must. It’s not a hassle. It certainly was not for me.

Foluso Phillips is the Chairman of Phillips Consulting Group

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LG Autonomy: Senator Daniel Congratulates President Tinubu, SC







With the landmark Supreme Court judgement which granted full financial autonomy to the Local Government administration, President Bola Ahmed Tinubu has demonstrated uncommon courage and leadership in a manner that seeks to return Nigeria on a trajectory of growth and development.

This was the view of former Governor of Ogun State and Senator representing Ogun East Senatorial District Otunba Engr Gbenga Daniel.

According to Otunba Daniel, “this constitutional resolution is long overdue because the local government administration is the closest to the grassroots and they should have the capacity to impact directly on the lives of the people through the initiation of life-changing programs and projects.

“President Tinubu and the Supreme Court have restored sanity to the Nigerian political space as this will allow the dividends of democracy to reach the masses.

“As a Democrat, and a Progressive one at that, Asiwaju Bola Tinubu has demonstrated enormous capacity in the struggle towards strengthening the Nigeria’s Democracy, and with this Local Government financial autonomy, he has once again set to recalibrate the wheels of our political and Economic growth in a way that it will make clear meanings to the average citizens.

“I salute Mr. President for this global road map that will usher in true and practical development in our nation”

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Ondo ex-lawmaker hails Tinubu on returning old national anthem, handling of wage strike 






Honourable Olumide Araoyinbo, a former majority leader of the Ondo State House of Assembly, has applauded President Bola Tinubu’s government for the reintroduction of the old national anthem, Nigeria, we Hail Thee.
Araoyinbo, while speaking in Akure, the Ondo State capital, said the wordings of the old anthem captures the true essence of Nigeria as a nation.
“If you listen to the wordings of the old national anthem, you’ll realise that it captures the true essence of our existence as a nation of different ‘tribes and tongues'”.
The chieftain of the All Progressives Congress (APC) in the state maintained that President Tinubu deserves to be applauded for the courage to effect the change, describing the president as a true democrat and a progressive.
Araoyinbo also lauded the president for his handling of the minimum wage strike by the organiaed labour.
According to him, the president displayed his mastery of the game, which he said brought the crisis generated by the strike to an early end.
“I respect President Tinubu’s astuteness and robust intervention in the minimum wage strike initiated by labour. His intervention brought to an early end what ordinarily would have snowballed into a major crisis for the country.
“As a matter of fact, the naysayers were hoping for a major crisis in the land, but President Tinubu’s intervention dashed their hopes.”
Araoyinbo, who is also a businessman and president of the Ondo State Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Mines and Agriculture (ONDOCCIMA), called on Nigerians to exercise more patience and understanding with the Tinubu administration, saying the president means well for the country and its people.
“As a businessman, I know that times are hard. But I urge Nigerians, particularly the organised labour to show understanding with the president as he puts in place structures and policies aimed at returning our country to the path of plenty and surplus,” Araoyinbo added.

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An Icon of Service: NATCOM boss, Otunba Adejare Adegbenro’s Leadership Legacy








In the intricate mosaic of Nigeria’s societal fabric, Otunba Adejare Adegbenro stands as a beacon of commitment, resilience, and service.
Born on March 6th, 1973, in Lagos, he draws from a lineage steeped in political legacy, being the grandson of the late Premier of Western Region, Alhaji Daudu Sooroye Adegbenro. Raised in a family that values service to the community, Otunba Adegbenro has carved his path as a distinguished figure in Nigerian society.
The culmination of his familial heritage and dedication to community service was marked by his installation as the first Otunba Laje of Owu Kingdom in Ogun State, Southwest Nigeria.
This historic event, which took place on January 20th, 2018, under the auspices of His Royal Majesty Oba Olusanya Dosunmu II, traditional ruler of Owu kingdom, reinforced Otunba Adegbenro’s deep-rooted ties to his cultural heritage and commitment to uplifting his people.
Beyond his traditional titles, his influence extends globally, with his appointment as High Commissioner by the International Human Rights Commission (IHRC), where he spearheads foreign special missions aimed at preventing illegal migration and human trafficking. This appointment is a testament of his reputation as a renowned security expert and industrialist, whose expertise transcends national borders.
In his role as the acting Director-General of the National Commission against the Proliferation of Arms, Light Weapons, and Pipeline Vandalism (NATCOM), Otunba Adegbenro has demonstrated a steadfast commitment to combating threats to national security. His vast experience in security consultancy and supply of security gadgets has positioned him as a pivotal figure in Nigeria’s security landscape.
However, Otunba Laje of Owu Kingdom’s contributions extend beyond the realm of security.
Through his foundation, the Otunba Adejare Adegbenro Foundation (OAAF), he channels his resources towards uplifting the less privileged in society. With initiatives ranging from the provision of boreholes to communities lacking access to clean water, to scholarships for deserving students, he exemplifies the spirit of philanthropy and communal solidarity.
Reflecting on his journey, Otunba Adegbenro once acknowledged the challenges he has faced, from navigating the complexities of entrepreneurship to confronting societal stereotypes.
Yet, through it all, he remains resolute in his commitment to service and upliftment. His philosophy, rooted in faith and compassion, drives him to make a tangible difference in the lives of others, regardless of obstacles encountered along the way.
Otunba Adejare Adegbenro stands as a testament to the power of leadership, resilience, and unwavering dedication to the common good. In him, Nigerians find not only a visionary leader but a compassionate steward of progress, whose impact reverberates far beyond the shores of his homeland.

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